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Security Product Commercialisation

Australian Government security solution & commercialisation.


Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)





Type of Work

Product Innovation

Program Delivery



Financial modelling


Cyber security is a major priority for the Australian government. In 2016, the Australian government released the Cyber Security Strategy, which outlines a comprehensive plan for protecting Australia’s cyber networks and systems. The strategy includes four key objectives:

1. Strengthening Australia’s cyber defences;

2. Enhancing the cyber security of government networks;

3. Enhancing the cyber security of critical infrastructure; and

4. Strengthening Australia’s International engagement on cyber security.


The strategy also includes measures to increase public awareness of cyber security, strengthen the cyber security skills of the Australian workforce, and promote collaboration between government and industry.

Cybercrime is on the rise in Australia, with the cost of cybercrime estimated to be $1 billion per year (according to the Australian Institute of Criminology).


One of the attack vectors most commonly used is Domain Name Services (DNS).  

In response to the growing concern in Australia, My Trip Advisory were engaged to work with vendors, state and federal clients to program manage and modernise a new cyber capability. 


We were also required to develop financial models to inform future growth and capacity issues - ensuring the ACSC could scale without concern.

Finally, we delivered a set of business improvement initiatives including the on-boarding of a new business development lead and a target operating model.

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